
These two paintings are respectively called: “It Was Night I” and “It Was Night II”. I discuss them here

The first painting is (you guessed it) of Adam and Eve with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The second one is of Jesus as the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God.

These two paintings are both about the parable of the Ten Virgins that I discuss here

The following rows of paintings are based on some of the themes found in the Gospels. The first row has to do with: sowing, watering, harvesting, and thanksgiving (the Eucharist).

This row deals with serious fishing.

These three rows have paintings that beckon us to fish and to get our hands dirty with the cares of God’s Kingdom.

This row deals with leaving the old life behind to follow Jesus.

This row deals with raising Lazarus from the dead, and the other three paintings celebrate the freedom found in the Cross of Jesus.

This row of paintings symbolizes the battles caused by my mental illness, that involved fallen angles, and the evil within me all of which often drove me and others crazy… but I believed that victory will be mine in the end which is what the last painting shows.

This row of paintings here above are symbolic of the Light of the world who shines into the hearts and minds of every person; the second painting is called, “Blessed are those who wait on the Lord” and I talk about it here and in the book called: To Be Broken Into Freedom: A Spiritual Journey.

This row of paintings carry the themes of green Pastures/ Bridges/ Consolation that the Good Shepherd leads us into in order to find rest and strength for our souls.

This row consists of a leather shield like natives in Africa may wield during warfare… this skin/shield is symbolic of Jesus who protects us from fallen angels’ darts (lies); the next two paintings are of Jesus washing my feet which is a continuing process; and the fourth one is a prayer that my people pleasing mask would be torn off some day (which has happened).

This row of paintings attempts to capture some of the peaceful moments in while being broken into freedom.

This row tries to capture something of the beauty of light on water in the evenings.

This painting is of Jesus the True Vine, with the sap of the Vine being the humble Holy Spirit, us the fruit bearing branches, and God the Father as the Vine Dresser, Cf. John 15.

The first painting above is the story of the Good Samaritan that Jesus shared.

Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!
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