My Books

Exploring Faith Hope & Love

Knowing how love looks like, helps us to aim for it and eventually practice it. This book helps us to see the logic of love and when understood gives us room to grow in it.

Dismantling the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Within So Love can Thrive

Knowing that the anatomy of a sin stronghold is tree-like helps us to diagnose it, and fittingly pray so that it can be dismantled and uprooted.

Contrasting Humility and Pride

This book gives a safe way to measure humility. A way to help us grow in loving others, as well as loving God.

Going Deeper With the Twelve Steps

This book gives some helpful diagnostic tools and medicines for a dry drunk to recover from meanness as well as addictions.

14 Pursuits – Finding Grace for Virtue, Forgiveness, Trauma: A Personal Journey To Healthy Love

This book is for those who are young in the Christian faith. Those who need structure. Those who need wise advice on how to grow in faith, hope, and love as well as in humility.

To Be Broken into Freedom: A Spiritual Journey

This book is a story about what a Dark Night can look like for someone who gets a devastating mental illness.

Moving From Reluctant Lover to Overcomer: The Path to Altruism

This is a self-help book that is loyal to Jesus and the Christian scriptures. It is designed for those who want to know a more fruitful path to repentance so to grow in Altruism.