Broken Into Freedom

A Spiritual Journey

This website shares a story of transformation from mean hatred and insecurities to love, joy, and self-improvement.


People involved in all sorts of sports, music, meditation, art, and personal development plans often have exercises, practices, and disciplines that help them to grow and advance in their quest for mastery. Christianity has certain kinds of prayer and meditation put forth throughout the ages to help the hungry and thirsty disciples of Jesus advance and grow out of hypocrisy into mature lovers and overcomers of adversities. This Website points to a book called, “Dismantling the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Within So Love Can Thrive” as a contribution to ridding people of the stagnancy, boredom and apathy so often found within the Church community. Such people realize that they don’t know how to grow in love and overcome bad habits and sins. This book along with the other books featured in this Website, help show ways to do just that when applied in a humble, caring, contrite, and faith filled manner.

Often when a person has messed up his or her life they may find themselves so stuck in ruts that they can lose vision, and hope; and fall into self-pity and stagnancy very easily. These ruts can seem deep, dark, permanent, and prison-like. But they only hide or blindside more desirable ways of thinking, and feeling and loving that we would never have imagined existed before, except that the ache in our hearts tells us they must be there.

I have found that tackling and removing the attitudes of self-pity, and angry pressure in the many contexts of one’s life is the first of many steps needed to discover a more desirable way of thinking and living. I have also found that dismantling “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” within me that consists of a dark energy flowing and giving life to a connected sin-structure (that is comprised of the building blocks of foolishness, un-repentant sin, resentments, fears, pride, jealousy, coveting, anger, judgmental ism, selfish-love, compulsive-laziness, and compulsive-indulgence and many other wicked fruits) will eventually bring freedom to love God, people, and self deeply.

I have discovered prayer that incompasses and sees God as good (staying away from attacking and judging Him) that leads to confession, ownership of sin strongholds, apology, accepting forgiveness (intellectually and emotionally), repenting in prayer [will define this], renewing the mind, and holding onto the promises of God together with the grace He amply supplies together with the little ‘t’-truths He gives helps to dismantle a hideous “tree of knowledge of good and evil” structure within a person as I discuss and go deeper into this in one of my books.

This pathway for each person is different but all such paths have a lot of commonalities that allow for certain spiritual tools to be implemented together with a strategy for cleaning up the messes within up. It is not always easy to navigate to begin with. If we give up too easily we will not discover and inherit the promises of God. Jesus promised that those who will knock on doors will have doors opened. The process is nothing like the goal, the desires, and the promises. That means that patience and getting up each time we fall, and learning why we fall are key to spiritual progress. This takes humility, and being able to hear God’s voice as is promised in John 10. It also takes being in touch with our spiritual hunger and thrist.


Read what our customers have to say about their experiences with Broken Into Freedom.

I found solace and healing through Broken Into Freedom’s message of love and transformation.

Emily S.

Customer Title

I just finally had a chance to look into your Website. I read some poems and liked them a lot. I looked at Photos and was sad when they finished. I looked at Artwork and was fascinated, intrigued and full of wonder at the range and power of them. It’s a lovely Website and a very nice photo of you. Really good – liked your book cover very much too. I thought some of the photos looked like they should be used for post cards. …Really excellent. Much love to you and Sophie.
Wow Rene! Thank you for letting my eyes shine by showing your great Artwork. They are truly magnificent, even though I am not a proclaimed artist. Thank you and please! Keep on painting, and drawing!! The whole world deserve to have their eyes shine, too 🙂
“Wow… page 131 section 9.7 of DISMANTLING THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL WITHIN ME SO LOVE CAN THRIVE really struck me for some reason. This kind of vocabulary around sin, and this kind of clear mapping of how it works, is so totally absent from our everyday imagination and discourse. And it’s compassionate: OF COURSE angry people experience discord, emotional pain and sadness, and OF COURSE they will look to relieve these feelings through other means. Once we can see this, we can have compassion for them, forgive them, and challenge them to address the underlying problems – in ways you helpfully suggest. I am going to use this. Your brevity and clarity of thinking can really help people see themselves in a new light. It’s like you’ve Windexed the window looking onto sin so we can see the issues more clearly. I really encourage you in this.”
Mark Munn
Rene, thank you for sharing these beautiful reflections
[in your book called: EXPLORING FAITH, HOPE & LOVE].
Socrates believed in an idea called the “unity of the virtues”: that
you can’t have one virtue without having all of them. I think the part
of your book on love is an eloquent argument that you can’t have any
virtue unless you have love–and if you have love, you have all of
them. This is deep and important. St Paul tells us that love is the
center of Christian life, and your book is a beautiful illustration of
this, showing how to relate to others in a way that is loving.
I am less emotional than you, so I myself would focus a bit less on
emotions, but I think it’s likely that I am missing out by being less
emotional, and you are right to focus on the emotions as much as you do.
In the past, I haven’t thought much about hope, and I appreciated your
extended reflections on hope. It is indeed deeply connected with love
and faith. I also really liked the arguments for God’s goodness.
Thank you again for sharing!
DISMANTLING THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL WITHIN ME SO LOVE CAN THRIVE ‘s effect on me is to be much more aware of myself; motivations, behavior, and walking, or not walking in love – that is, in the Spirit. It is making a big difference. [As for judmentalism]…. you have the answers to that too, so am finding the whole thing very useful, growthful, and interesting. I think it is a very helpful piece of writing, Spirit led with awakening powers for others (and me). Thank you Rene, thank you Jesus.
The book DISMANTLING THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL WITHIN ME SO LOVE CAN THRIVE shows a great amount of wisdom concerning the Christian life that has been learned in the trenches. It shows grace and love rather than a bare legalism.
Bill Reimer
I cannot do justice to the book in my own words: DISMANTLING THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL WITHIN ME SO LOVE CAN THRIVE. But I do want to share what I took from reading it. It is the expression of a personal experience as well as a more general process of transformation. It starts from a dark place of being in conflict with self and others. It accepts the world as it is but makes a personal connection towards a deeper understanding. In this book the question: “How can I manage my own negativity in a troubled world that I perceive to be different from my own path?” is tackled with a genuine approach to what I call: “A search for truth”. This truth is a ground work that connects and distinguishes between people’s behaviors, attitudes and personal values. Deeper yet, it is a dichotomy of good and evil within the self. The book presupposes a conflict between what a human being is in the world and what the aim should be as an individual. It displays the most intricate network of emotions. This is the case where a variety of overwhelming emotions head into their own directions without making healthy moral sense. The author depicts personal examples where one can end up in the middle of nowhere regarding ones own values/ expectations/ and desires. Not because these values are in the wrong place necessarily, but that the individual is found to be at the crossroads of good and evil (both within and outside oneself).It shows a pathway to sanity created through revelations and understanding of social conduct.This book is very unique and based on a personal journey; however, at a more profound analysis it discloses a theme for many of us. That being: “to stand up against our inner evil without disturbing other people’s boundaries, quiet spaces and life.”
Rafael Tejada